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Welcome to my blog, your go-to resource for mastering Manifestation. Here, you’ll find a wealth of information, tips, and practical exercises to help you harness the power of this universal laws. Whether you’re new to the concept or looking to deepen your understanding, my articles and guides are designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to attract the life you desire. Explore my content and start your journey towards a more fulfilled and abundant life today.

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My Vision

Hello, I am Miss Adore,


I have embarked on this journey with Syntony Life, driven by the ambition to help people like me who believe in the power of the universe, manifestation, and abundance. To achieve this, I have dedicated myself to extensive study. I am certified in yoga, coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and am also a master coach in the Law of Attraction and Reiki. This journey has allowed me to discover more about myself and to receive what I desire, as well as to uncover my deepest desires.

I follow the teachings of Abraham Hicks, Napoleon Hill, Richard Bandler, and other great teachers who have dedicated their lives to improving the lives of others. However, as you may know, words alone do not teach. What truly teaches is experience, vibrations, and connection.

I have noticed that many people often get lost in the sea of words spoken on this subject. My aim, in this space, is to help those people better understand and adapt the teachings to the chaos of everyday life.

I offer a subscription at a symbolic price for those who need greater understanding on how to harmonize with their own life, along with downloadable educational digital materials. I invite anyone who feels this need to join us.

— Miss Adore


Yoga is an ancient discipline that unites mind, body, and spirit through physical practices, breathing techniques, and meditation. I am certified with 200 hours of training in Hatha and Ashtanga Vinyasa at Rishikesh Nath Yogashala, a renowned school located in the spiritual heart of India. This experience has allowed me to deepen my understanding of these yoga traditions, enabling me to share a holistic path of well-being and personal growth with


I am certified in Essential Coaching from Unicomunicazione, where I gained advanced skills to support individuals in achieving their goals. Coaching is a collaborative, goal-oriented process that helps people realize their potential and achieve specific personal and professional objectives. With my certified background, I have successfully guided many individuals toward personal and professional.


Sono certificata in Programmazione Neuro Linguistica presso l’Accademia di Richard Bandler, dove ho acquisito competenze avanzate per influenzare positivamente il pensiero e il comportamento delle persone. La PNL è una metodologia che esplora come la nostra mente interpreta e organizza le esperienze, consentendo di migliorare la comunicazione, il cambiamento personale e le performance. Nel 2020, ho applicato gratuitamente le tecniche della PNL per aiutare persone in diverse parti del mondo a superare sfide e raggiungere i loro obiettivi.


l attended a coaching course on the law of attraction the Transformation Academy, with a specific focus on facilitating significant life changes. The law of attraction, a fundamental principle of the course, promotes the manifestation of desired goals through positive and focused thinking. This program equipped me with the skills needed to professionally guide others through the process of personal transformation, enabling them to realize their full potential.


I successfully completed the Level 2 Usui Reiki course with instructor Lisa Powers, advancing to the Master level. Reiki is a Japanese energy healing practice based on hands-on healing to transfer healing energy to the body. Reiki levels are traditionally divided into three progressively advanced stages: Level 1, introducing the fundamentals of the practice; Level 2, incorporating learning Reiki symbols to enhance treatment efficacy and scope; and finally Level 3/Master, enabling practitioners to become masters, understanding advanced healing techniques and assuming the responsibility of teaching others Reiki teachings.

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