The Power of Free Will: Elevating Your Vibrational Frequency for a Fulfilling Life

Ebony Creative Spirit 3.3.63

In our existence, we face challenges and difficulties that can be compared to the pains of purgatory. However, the concept of free will goes beyond simply the freedom to choose between options presented by life. Free will is also vibrational freedom, the ability to pick the energetic frequency with which we approach our experiences.

This means that, even in the face of seemingly negative or painful events, we have the ability to decide how to react, what frequency to emit, and therefore what kind of experience to attract into our reality. We can choose to react with anger, fear, or negativity, lowering our vibrational frequency and attracting similar experiences, or we can choose to face challenges with courage, compassion, and gratitude, raising our frequency and creating a more positive reality around us.

Free Will and Conscious Choices:

Imagine yourself in a difficult situation, like losing your job or facing an illness. Free will gives you the opportunity to choose how to respond to these challenges. You could choose to be overwhelmed by anger and fear, feeding a low vibrational frequency that attracts more negativity into your life. Or, you could choose to face the situation with courage, trust, and gratitude, thus raising your frequency and opening the door to more positive experiences.

For example, if you lose your job, you could choose to see this situation as an opportunity to grow and reinvent yourself professionally. You could dedicate your free time to developing new skills or exploring passions that you had neglected. In this way, you are consciously deciding to raise your vibrational frequency, attracting more rewarding and positive experiences into your work life and beyond.

Similarly, if you are facing an illness, you could choose to focus on your healing and health, rather than being overwhelmed by fear and negativity. This conscious choice to face illness with courage and gratitude can positively influence your healing process and attract healing energy into your life.

Free will gives us the opportunity to transform our challenges into opportunities for growth and to manifest a more positive and fulfilling reality. Our conscious choices not only influence our vibrational frequency, but also shape the surrounding reality, allowing us to create a fuller and more meaningful life.

Vibrational Frequencies and the Art of Allowing:

Have you ever felt that the more you tried to control a situation, the more it seemed to slip out of your grasp? This is exactly what the art of allowing seeks to avoid. Imagine being in a river, trying to swim against the current. Every effort you make takes you further away from your goal, you get tired and risk drowning in your own struggle.

The art of allowing teaches us instead to let go of the need for control and to flow with the natural flow of life. It means being aware of our choices and allowing things to happen naturally, without forcing or controlling every detail.

Remember the moment when you decided to let go of an expectation or a desire and felt a sense of relief? Perhaps you accepted that things were not going as planned, but chose to trust that everything would work out for the best for you. At that moment, you practiced the art of allowing.

When we allow ourselves to flow with life, we tune into the higher frequencies of the universe. We create space for magic and spontaneity, allowing life to surprise us with its wonders. This does not mean being passive or giving up control, but rather being flexible and open to the possibilities that arise.

The art of allowing teaches us that sometimes letting go is the key to getting what we want. It is an act of trust in the flow of life and in our ability to navigate its waters. When we allow ourselves to flow with the river of life, we discover that our choices and actions are in tune with the higher frequencies of the universe, bringing more joy, gratitude, and harmony into our lives.

The Importance of Daily Training of Vibrational Frequencies:

It is easy to fall into the trap of apathy and lack of enthusiasm in everyday life, especially when facing seemingly trivial challenges. However, it is precisely in these small daily challenges that we can train ourselves to raise our vibrational frequencies and respond positively even to the most desperate situations.

When we get used to facing each day with appreciation, compassion, and joy, even the biggest challenges become more manageable. Daily training of our frequencies prepares us to respond with awareness and positivity, even when it seems impossible.

Sure, it’s normal to have moments of sadness, and it’s also important to experience them without trying to change them, but sometimes it’s those moments in the middle that we could live better. Those moments of daily routine where we do things, but we’re not really there with our heads. Those moments when we don’t even know how we are ourselves, to which we wouldn’t be able to give a name.
Like when someone you just met asks you how you are, and you distractedly answer “Fine” but you haven’t even stopped to think why you answered automatically.

Here are some exercises you can practice daily to raise your vibrations:

  1. Practice of Appreciation: But maybe I should call it “Practice of Enthusiasm” Instead. Every day, take some time to reflect on what you like. Write down the positive things that have happened during the day or that you have in your life. I wrote an entire poem dedicated to the comfort of my mattress and pillow, and I’m really excited about it.
  2. Meditation and Mindful Breathing: Dedicate a few minutes every day to meditation and mindful breathing. This will help you center yourself, relax, and raise your vibrational frequency.
    There are already some useful exercises on this blog, but soon you will find others.
  3. Acts of Friendship: Do something fun or nice for and with others, even if it’s just a small gesture, especially on a day when you feel nervous, tired, apathetic. I don’t like to call it an act of kindness, because saying it like that puts us on a pedestal, instead I refer to those simple things like “let’s have a coffee together”, “listen to this song”, “taste this food, what do you think?”. This raises your vibrations together with those of others and makes you, even if only for a short time, raise your vibrational state and, potentially, enter into harmony with others. And when you are in tune with others and feel connected, things usually go better.
  4. Positive Visualization: In moments of solitude, when maybe there is no one near you, practice visualizing yourself happy, healthy, and fulfilled. Imagine your life full of successes and joys. This exercise will help you attract new positive experiences into your reality. For those who have difficulty visualizing, they can always resort to pen and paper and make lists (I love lists) of things they love.
  5. Listening to Positive Music: Listen to music that makes you feel good and raises your vibrations. Music has the power to influence our mood and can help us lift our spirits. I want to publish my favorite playlist here soon, but don’t forget to create your own.
  6. Body Care: Take care of your body through a healthy diet, exercise, and adequate rest. A healthy body contributes to higher vibrations. It seems easier said than done, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. Find your way. I like to dance and play sports, other people prefer to cook well. But if the body is well, it is very difficult for the mind to be sad.

Train for another crazy day, as if you were an Olympic champion of Free Will!

Because at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about, being able to choose how to react to the situations that we face every day.
It’s true, we don’t always have the ability to decide what happens to us, but why not choose to live those moments in which we could live better?

Rather, imagine yourself as a superhero, ready to face any challenge with a smile and contagious energy, imagine that is your superpower. By practicing these exercises daily, you can train yourself to respond with higher vibrational frequencies even in the most desperate situations, preparing yourself to face life with awareness, positivity, and joy.

Whether you are meditating like a zen monk, channeling positive energies like Abraham Hicks, or performing acts of kindness like Mother Teresa, every small effort counts in your training to become the champion of positivity that you are destined to be. So, when that crazy moment of the day comes, you’ll be ready to face anything with a positive attitude and a ready laugh.

Get ready to raise your vibration, because today is another day to shine with your positive light!

And remember, as every Pop Star on the market teaches us, you are the one leading your melody, you are the one writing your notes in the symphony of life, and getting in tune with the Universe!

Feel the rain on your skin.

2 responses to “The Power of Free Will: Elevating Your Vibrational Frequency for a Fulfilling Life”

  1. Hi Luna, thank you for this blog. It really speaks to me, and was exactly what I needed to hear right now, as these are issues I struggle with personally. Remembering, to “make the choice” – deliberately – choosing how to respond. Very useful. A

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Free will is very important. The practices of appreciation and friendship are also important for me.

    Liked by 1 person

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