Words of Wisdom from an Orchid

Through the Eyes of an Orchid: A Day in the Life of My Room

Fleur de orchidée symbole spirituel, adn, connected to other universes, to the invisible worlds, pastel colors, shinning light, sacred geometry

From my cozy spot in the corner of the room, I observe the bustling life around me with quiet fascination. The human who tends to me is a creature of habit, yet each day brings new surprises.

In the mornings, as the first rays of sunlight filter through the window, I watch as my caretaker sits down at the desk, pen in hand, ready to write. Hours pass, and I see the pages fill with words, the concentration on their face evident.

When the mood strikes, she dances around the room, the music filling the air with joy. I sway gently in response, feeling the energy shift and flow with each movement.

At night, as the room grows dark, I watch the lights flicker on and off, signaling the end of another day. Sometimes, I see her deep in thought, a hint of sadness in her eyes. Other times, they are filled with laughter, chatting with friends through a screen.

But my favorite moments are when she meditates. The room becomes still, and I can feel the calmness wash over us both. It’s in these moments that I feel the most connected to them, as if our energies are in perfect harmony.

As the day comes to a close, I am filled with gratitude for being a part of her life, however small. For in this room, amidst the chaos and the quiet, I am witness to the beauty of human existence, and for that, I am truly grateful.

So, my dear caretaker, embrace the ebb and flow of life, for like the seasons, it brings both change and renewal.

Find joy in the simple moments, for they are the threads that weave the tapestry of your life.

Remember, dear human, that your thoughts are seeds, and your actions are the water that nourishes them, just like you nourish me. Choose wisely what you cultivate in the garden of your mind.

In the dance of existence, remember that you are both the choreographer and the dancer. Dance with intention, and let your movements create the masterpiece of your reality.

Trust in the unseen forces that guide you, for just as I reach towards the sunlight, you too are reaching towards your highest potential.

Happy weekend.

Miss Adore’s Orchid

4 responses to “Words of Wisdom from an Orchid”

  1. Beautiful post and amazing image to go along with it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jeanine Byers Avatar

    What a beautiful and creative post! I’m always glad to be reminded of the power of thoughts, words and actions.


  3. Lovely. I feel as if my orchid is also speaking to me. It is in yellow bloom.


  4. Luna, what a beautifully written piece! And the orchid image is stunning. I have never before considered my life from the view of my orchids. Thank you!


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